Several years ago, our Founder experienced a life changing event following a routine knee operation. After 2 weeks of good recovery progress, they started feeling ill and upon seeking medical advice, were rushed into hospital. Over the next 3 months they spent 44 nights in hospital, had 4 emergency operations and 100's of injections full of antibiotics. The knee operation that had seemingly gone so well to begin with had actually resulted in them catching the hospital superbug known as MRSA. As a side effect of the antibiotics and illness, their skin was left full of blemishes, gauntness and bad health which massively affected their confidence. They had become a shell of their former selves.
This was the first time they had ever properly experienced the fragility of human life. One day fit, healthy and full of energy and happiness then having this overturned completely out of the blue. Although well and truly recovered now, this particular low point led our Founder to change their perspective of life. It had also given them a new purpose; to inspire others to live their lives to the absolute max with no restraints. They had heard other people say it before, but without health and happiness it is true, we really have nothing.
After a while of working a corporate job, they left to set up Skin Woof with the aim of having a greater impact on other people's lives by inspiring them to feel more self confident, positive, happy and to do things that make them feel fulfilled. Having first hand experienced the effect that skin condition can have on a person's spirit, they spotted an opportunity to help others get the most from their skin and thus, give them that extra boost of confidence.
From a science background themselves, our Founder knew the importance of research and development in creating extremely high performance products. With the help of dermatologists and lab formulation experts, they set about creating a natural vitamin formula that would give the user the healthiest and most beautiful skin possible from the inside out. After almost a year of development and testing, a new alternative beauty company on a mission to inspire as many people as possible was born.
If we can inspire 10 people to chase fulfilment and positivity in their lives and leave them feeling more confident in their own skin, good. If we can inspire 100, great, a 1,000, even better. However, we will not stop until we have succeeded in inspiring and improving the confidence and lives of every person willing to listen to us. Don't be held back by anything - and let your gorgeous skin carry your confidence forwards.
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Check in again soon to find out why we called our company 'Skin Woof'.
Lots of love,
Skin Woof x